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Available titles of keynotes speeches

Visitor no. 50543

1-3 October, 2015


Participants Registration opening time

Welcome addresses

Keynote session : Plenary Session 1


Luis Gálvez

General Practitioner. Chairman, WONCA Working party on Mental Health. Spain.

Innovation in implementation science and mental health KIS initiative UK.


Graham Thornicroft

Professor of Community Psychiatry. King’s College London. Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology and Neuroscience. United Kingdom.

The NIH consensus conference approach to policy and implementation in mental health experiences in Canada.


Egon Jonsson

Executive Director and CEO. Institute of Health Economics. Professor. University of Alberta. University of Calgary. Canada.


Luis Salvador-Carulla

Psychiatrist. Professor of Disability and Mental Health. University of Sydney. Australia.

Parallel Session : Symposium 120: Who needs treatment, who seeks treatment and who benefits from treatment; the path from epidemiology to successful treatment in mental health care.


Ellen Visser

Human movement scientist, PhD. University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Psychiatry, Rob Giel research centre (RGOc), Groningen, The Netherlands.

Agna A. Bartels-Velthuis

Psychologist, PhD. University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Psychiatry, Rob Giel research centre (RGOc). Groningen, The Netherlands.

Petra Havinga

Child psychologist, MSc. University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Psychiatry, Interdisciplinary Center Psychopathology and Emotion regulation (ICPE). Groningen, The Netherlands.

Dennis Raven

Sociologist, PhD. University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Psychiatry, Interdisciplinary Center Psychopathology and Emotion regulation (ICPE). Groningen, The Netherlands.

Frederike Jörg

Psychologist, PhD. University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Psychiatry, Interdisciplinary Center Psychopathology and Emotion regulation (ICPE) / Rob Giel research centre (RGOc). Groningen, The Netherlands.

Floor E. A. Verhoeven

Neuropsychologist, PhD. University Medical Center Groningen, Department of Psychiatry, Interdisciplinary Center Psychopathology and Emotion regulation (ICPE) / Rob Giel research centre (RGOc). Groningen, The Netherlands.

Trends in specialist mental health care utilization among children and adolescents: the use of a psychiatric case register.

The course of auditory hallucinations in young children: an 11-year follow-up study.

Offspring of depressed and anxious patients: do they initiate help seeking and specialist treatment?

Diagnostic agreement between a psychiatric case register and the Composite International Diagnostic Interview. A TRAILS study.

Six-year follow up of emotional and behavioural problems of general population adolescents with and without specialist mental health care.

Staging and profiling at the front door; a new tool in mental health care.

Parallel Session : Symposium 276: International collaboration between clinicians and academics: the Maristán Network.

Methodological challenges of the MARISTAN Study.

The Maristan Scale on Stigma.

The Maristán Scale on Needs.

The Maristan Scale on Informal Care.

Parallel Session : Symposium 199: Women’s mental health: from the laptop to the bedside.

Mental health professionals’ detection of domestic and sexual violence among psychiatric patients: a mixed methods study.


Hind Khalifeh

Senior Clinical Researcher & Hon Consultant Psychiatrist. The Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience. London. United Kingdom.

A systematic review of the prevalence and risk of mental disorders in the perinatal period among first-generation migrant women.


Fraser Anderson

Women with bipolar disorder and pregnancy: what women want from services.


Clare Dolman

PhD Student.The Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience. London. United Kingdom.

Mental health professionals’ response to domestic and sexual violence.


Kylee Trevillion

Research Programme Manager. The Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience. London. United Kingdom.

Stigma, suicidal behaviour and help-seeking among men and women affected by traumatic bereavement.


Alexandra Pitman

MRC Training Fellow. Division of Psychiatry. UCL. London. United Kingdom.

Parallel Session : Symposium 29: Epidemiology of Mental Disorders in Andalusia: The PISMA-ep Study.


Jorge Cervilla

Psychiatrist. Spanish Psychiatric Epidemiology Society (SEEP). University of Granada. Spain.

Blanca Gutiérrez

Santa Ana Hospital. Motril. Granada. Spain.

Carmen Maura Carrillo de Albornoz Calahorro

Granada University Hospitalary Complex. Granada. Spain.

Margarita Guerrero Jimenez

Santa Ana Hospital. Motril. Granada. Spain.

José Eduardo Muñoz Negro

Granada University Hospitalary Complex. Granada. Spain.

Paloma Huertas Maestre

Student PhD Psychology programme. School of Psychology. University of Málaga. Spain.

Berta Moreno-Küstner

Psychologist. Professor of Psychology. School of Psychology. University of Málaga. Spain.

The PISMA-ep Study: Methods and Main Findings.

The Epidemiology of Paranoia.

The Epidemiology of Psychosis.

Functionality and Mental Disorders.

Genetics of Mental Disorders in the PISMA-ep Study.

Prevalence and correlates in suicidal risk.

Parallel Session : Symposium 36: The QuEST Study: Quality and Effectiveness of Supported tenancies for People with mental Health Problems. A national programme of research across England.

Overview of the QuEST Programme.


Helen Killaspy

Professor and Honorary Consultant in Rehabilitation Psychiatry, Division of Psychiatry, University College London. United Kingdom.

Systematic literature review of the evidence for different models of supported accommodation for people with mental health problems.


Joanna Krotofil

Research Associate, QuEST Project, Division of Psychiatry, University College London. United Kingdom.

Adaptation of the Quality Indicator for Rehabilitative Care for supported accommodation services.


Peter McPherson

Researcher, Social and Community Psychiatry, Wolfson Institute of Preventative Medicine, Queen Marys University. United Kingdom.

Results from the national survey of supported accommodation services.


Isobel Harrison

Project Manager, QuEST Project, Division of Psychiatry, University College London. United Kingdom.

Staff and service user experiences of supported accommodation in England.


Sima Sandhu

Researcher, Social and Community Psychiatry, Wolfson Institute of Preventative Medicine, Queen Marys University. United Kingdom.

Staff morale in supported accommodation in England.


Sarah Dowling

Project Manager, QuEST Project, Division of Psychiatry, University College London. United Kingdom.

Parallel Session : Symposium 203: Mental health crisis care: translating research into policy and practice.


Sonia Johnson

Professor of Social and Community. Psychiatry Division. Psychiatry University College of London. United Kingdom.

Martin Webber

Lecturer, Division of Psychiatry, UCL, London. United Kingdom.

Brynmor Lloyd-Evans

Research Associate, Division of Psychiatry, UCL, London. United Kingdom.

Danielle Lamb

Research worker, Division of Psychiatry, UCL, London. United Kingdom.

Kate Fullarton

Research Fellow, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York, United Kingdom.

Nick Meader

Research Fellow, Centre for Reviews and Dissemination, University of York, United Kingdom.

The contribution of crisis houses to the acute care system.

Development and testing of a measure of model fidelity for Crisis Resolution Teams: the CORE CRT Fidelity Scale.

National implementation of the Crisis Resolution Team model: results from the CORE CRT fidelity survey.

Protocol and progress of a cluster-randomised trial of a service improvement programme for Crisis Resolution Teams: the CORE CRT Resource Pack.

Improving outcomes for people in mental health crisis: a rapid synthesis of the evidence for available models of care.

Lunch and guided Poster Session 1.

Parallel Session : Symposium 285: Decision support in mental health care: from boardroom to bedside.


Talitha Feenstra

Dept Epidemiology. University Groningen. UMCG. The Nertherlands.

Robert Schoevers

Dept. Psychiatry. University Medical Center Groningen. The Netherland.

Joran Lokkerbol

Trimbos Institute. Economic Evaluation Team. Utrecht. The Netherlands.

Stephen Lefff

Department of Psychiatry. Harvard Medical School. USA.

Richard Bruggeman

Dept. Psychiatry. Rob Giel Research Centre. University Medical Center Groningen. The Netherland.

High quality of care against affordable costs; a joint responsability of professionals, patients, insurers and policy makers. Introduction to the Northern Netherlands Joint Data Project.

Improving the cost-effectiveness of a health care system for depressive disorders by implementing telemedicine: a health economic modelling study.

A Markov Simulation for Planning and Resource Allocation for Mental Health Systems for Persons with Serious Mental Illness.

Why does it take so long for Routine Outcome Monitoring to improve mental health care? The PHAMOUS-project.

The potential contribution of population models at a regional level to better resource allocation in mental health care.

Discussion and closure.

Parallel Session : Symposium 245: New decision support tools for evidence-informed mental health planning.

DESDE-AND: an automated decision support tool for coding and monitoring the social care system.


Federico Alonso-Trujillo

Physician, Dependency Coordination, Andalusian Agency for Social Services and Dependency, Spain.

DESDE-LTC 2.0: a new classification of services in mental health care.

Agent-based models for health policy design: analyzing the complex dynamics of health care systems.


Javier Alvarez-Galvez

Sociologist, Department of Psychology, Sociology and Social Work. Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Spain.

FINCENTO: description of different local mental health financing systems in Spain.


Jordi Cid

Psychologist. Direcció Assistencial XSMiA. Institut d’Assistència Sanitària. Girona. Spain.

Parallel Session : Symposium 125: New recovery oriented interventions and methods in severe mental illness: Results of randomized controlled trials.


Helen Killaspy

Professor and Honorary Consultant in Rehabilitation Psychiatry, Division of Psychiatry, University College London. United Kingdom.

Steve Gillard

Reader, Social & Community Mental Health. Population Health Research Institute. St George’s, University of London. London, United Kingdom.

Stynke Castelein

Senior researcher/Deputy Head of Lentis Research. University of Groningen/University Medical Center Groningen. Groningen. Groningen, The Netherlands.

Sjoerd Vogel

MSc, psychologist. Lentis Research. Groningen. Lentis Center for Mental Health. The Netherlands.

Annemarie Stiekema

PhD-student. TS Social and Behavioral Sciences. Tilburg University. Tilburg, The Netherlands.

N. A. (Neis) Bitter

Unit for Psychiatric Research, Aalborg Psychiatric Hospital, Aalborg University Hospital. Aalborg, Denmark.

Rikke Jørgensen

Unit for Psychiatric Research, Aalborg Psychiatric Hospital, Aalborg University Hospital. Aalborg, Denmark.

Improving the evidence base for peer support: manualisation and protocol development for the ENRICH trial of peer support for psychiatric discharge.

Peer support groups for psychosis: From pilot, multicentre RCT, cost analysis to implementation in clinical care.

Hospitality Project (HY): A new recovery focused intervention combining peer support and skill training for people with schizophrenia.

Cognitive Adaptation Training (CAT) in long-term residential patients with severe mental illness: a multicentre randomized controlled trial.

Effectiveness of the Comprehensive Approach to Rehabilitation (CARe) methodology: Preliminary results of a Cluster Randomized Controlled Trial.

Improving insight in people with schizophrenia – utilizing the Guided Self-Determination Method.

Parallel Session : Symposium 313: Implementing specific psychotherapies for personality disorders on Public Health Systems.


Mercedes Rueda-Lizana

Clinical Psychologist. Head of the Intercentres Mental Health Clinical Management Unit and Virgen de las Nieves University Hospital. Granada. Spain.

María Felipa Soriano Alonso

Clinical Psychologist. Day hospital of Mental Health. Hospital of Linares. Jaen. Spain.

Mercedes Jorquera Rodero

Clinical Psychologist. PREVI centre. Alicante. Spain.

Silvia Hurtado Santiago

Assistance centre San Juan de Dios. Málaga. Spain.

Strategies for treating personality disorders on PISMA II.

Dialectical behavior therapy for personality disorders: an application of the skills training group in a public mental health unit.

Integral approach to personality disorders.

Iconic therapy: Origins and nowadays.

Parallel Session : Symposium 169: Psychosocial interventions for people with severe mental illness: international perspectives on current practice realities and implications for training and implementation.


Carol Harvey

Associate Professor & Consultant Psychiatrist. Psychosocial Research Centre. University of Melbourne. Australia.

Ellie Fossey

Discipline of Occupational Therapy. School of Allied Health. La Trobe University. Victoria.Australia.

Melanie Lean

UCL Division of Psychiatry. Gower St. London. United Kingdom.

Melanie Gee

Centre for Health and Social Care Research. Sheffield Hallam University. Sheffield. United Kingdom.

Evidence based psychosocial interventions for Australians living with psychoses: epidemiological data on receipt, targeting and explanatory factors.

From evidence to realities: Psychosocial intervention provision in Australian routine community mental health practice.

Barriers to implementation and sustainability of staff training to improve patient engagement within mental health rehabilitation units in the UK.

Staff training to increase service user engagement in activities in UK inpatient mental health rehabilitation units: an exploration of lasting change.

Parallel Session : Symposium 77: Tackling workforce exclusion: Focusing on job seekers, employment supports workplace inclusion and employment opportunity to address a multifaceted issue.


Terry Krupa

Professor. School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Queen’s University. Kingston. Canada.

Ellie Fossey

Discipline of Occupational Therapy. School of Allied Health. La Trobe University. Victoria.Australia.

Rosemary Lysaght

Occupational Therapist. Assistant Professor. School of Rehabilitation Therapy, Queen’s University. Kingston. Canada.

Carol Harvey

Associate Professor & Consultant Psychiatrist. Psychosocial Research Centre. University of Melbourne. Australia.

Social business and stigma reduction: How do employers in the conventional labour force evaluate the social business experience?

‘Starting out with The WORKS’: Implementing a vocational program with mental health consumers.

Mental illness and intermittent work capacity: A qualitative study of employer and workplace perspectives.

Work accommodations and natural supports for employees with severe mental illness in social businesses: An international comparison.

Parallel Session : Symposium 299: Detecting individuals at mental risk.


José Miguel Pena-Andreu

Area of Psychiatry. Málaga University Medical School. Spain.

Berta Moreno-Küstner

Psychologist. Professor of Psychology. School of Psychology. University of Málaga. Spain.

Jesús Pérez

Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust. National Institute for Health Research Clinical Research Network. United Kingdom.

Andrés Fontalba-Navas

Mental Health Unit at Huercal-Overa. Health Management section North Almería. Spain.

Macarena Marín Olalla

Mental Health Clinical Management Unit, Northern Almeria. Spain.

A one-year prevalence study of schizophrenia and related disorders in Malaga (Spain).

Clinical and cost-effectiveness of tailored, intensive liaison between primary and secondary care to detect individuals at risk of a first psychotic illness: a theory-based, cluster-randomised controlled trial.

Flooding and mental risk: A case-control study.

Incidence of psychosis and epidemiological risk factors in a rural area PSICORISK study.

Parallel Session : Symposium 201: Health economic issues of non-pharmacological interventions in severe mental health care.


Reinhold Kilian

Ulm University, Dept. Psychiatry and Psychotherapy II. Günzburg. Germany.

Lene Halling Hastrup

Psychiatric Research Unit. Region Zealand. Denmark.

A-La Park

London School of Economics and Political Science. Dept. Of Social Policy. London. United Kingdom.

Nadja Zentner

Ulm University, Dept. Psychiatry and Psychotherapy II. Günzburg. Germany

David McDaid

Senior Research Fellow in Health Policy and Health Economics, PSSRU and LSE Health and Social Care, London School of Economics and Political Science and WHO European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. United Kingdom.

The cost-effectiveness of metacognitive training in comparison to a neuropsychological training program for patients with schizophrenia.

The cost-effectiveness of metacognitive training in comparison to a neuropsychological training program for patients with schizophrenia.

Health economics of Assertive Community Treatment in Denmark.

The economic case for housing interventions for people with severe mental health problems.

Course of Health Care Costs before and after Psychiatric Inpatient Treatment: Patient-Reported vs. Administrative Records.

The use of early intervention for psychosis services: a case of glass half full or half empty?

Parallel Session : Symposium 155: Clinical decision making and outcome in the routine care for people with severe mental illness across Europe: CEDAR.

Shared decision-making and satisfaction in routine clinical practice.


Mike Slade

Professor of Health Services Research. King’s College London. London. United Kingdom.

Clinical decision making and mental health service use in people with severe mental illness across Europe.


Suzanne Cosh

Clinic of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy II, University of Ulm, Gunzburg, Germany.

Relation between helping alliance and unmet needs in routine care of people with severe mental illness across Europe: results of a prospective longitudinal multicentre study.


Sabine Loos

Ulm University, Department of Psychiatry II, Section Process-Outcome Research. Ulm. Germany.

Content of clinical decisions and outcome in a European multicentre study of people with severe mental illness.


Jana Konrad

Ulm University, Department of Psychiatry II, Section Process-Outcome Research. Ulm. Germany.

Testing the CEDAR model on the relation between clinical decision making and outcome.


Bernd Puschner

Professor. Ulm University, Department of Psychiatry II, Section Process-Outcome Research. Ulm. Germany.

Parallel Session : Symposium 151: First-episode of psychosis: How research could help clinical implementation?

Clinical Personality Features in patients with a First-Episode Psychosis.


Julia Sevilla Llewellyn-Jones

Resident of Clinical Psychology. Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria. Málaga. Spain.

Are women and men different at the onset of a first-episode psychosis?


Susana Ochoa Guerre

Psychologist. Research and Developmental Unit of Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Deu. CIBERSAM. Barcelona. Spain.

Premorbid Intelligent Quotient as a First episode Psychoses predictor.


Angel Luis Del Rey Mejias

Psychologist. Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid. Spain.

Understanding of clinical high-risk for psychosis in an early intervention service.


Jesús Pérez

Consultant Psychiatrist. Cambridgeshire and Peterborough NHS Foundation Trust. United Kingdom.

Effectiveness of Meta-Cognitive Training (MCT) in people with a first-episode psychosis.


Isabel Ruiz Delgado

Clinical Psychologist. Unidad de Salud Mental Comunitaria Malaga Norte. Málaga. Spain.

Parallel Session : Symposium 98: Results of an integrated prevention program against suicidality during the economic crisis.


Diego Palao Vidal

Psychiatrist. Servei de Salut Mental. Parc Taulí Sabadell-Hospital Universitari. UAB. Sabadell. Barcelona. Spain.

Annabel Cebrià Meca

Psychologist. Servei de Salut Mental. Parc Taulí Sabadell-Hospital Universitari. Sabadell. Barcelona. Spain.

Montserrat Pamias Massana

Child Psychiatrist. Servei de Salut Mental. Parc Taulí Sabadell-Hospital Universitari. Sabadell. Barcelona. Spain.

Isabel Parra Uribe

Psychiatrist.Servei de Salut Mental. Parc Taulí Sabadell-Hospital Universitari. Sabadell. Barcelona. Spain.

Gemma García-Parés

Psychiatrist.Mental Health Service. Meritxell General Hospital. Andorra.

Telephone management programme for patients discharged from an emergency department after a suicide attempt in a Spanish population: 5-year follow-up study.

Adolescents’ psychological intervention af suicide attempters: 6 years follow up.

Risk of repetition of suicide attempts and suicide completion after a suicide attempt: A 5 years follow-up survival analysis.

Coordination with the GPs for suicide prevention.

Parallel Session : Symposium 172: Identification, management and associated costs of patients with complex disorders.


Maria Rubio-Valera

Researcher, Fundació Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona. Spain.

Functional status, quality of life, and costs associated with fibromyalgia subgroups: A latent profile analysis.


Juan Vicente Luciano

Researcher, Fundació Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona, Spain.

Cost-effectiveness of active monitoring versus antidepressants for major depression in primary health care: A 12-month non-randomized controlled trial (INFAP study).


Mª Teresa Peñarrubia-María

General Practitioner, Institut Català de la Salut, Gavà, Spain.

Prevalence of the different types of agitation episodes and associated costs in an acute psychiatric and emergency unit: a knowledge discovery from data analysis.


Luis Salvador-Carulla

Psychiatrist. Professor of Disability and Mental Health. University of Sydney. Australia.

A specific intervention for reducing use of services and improving care for chronic complex patients in mental health: the MHCCPP-PSSJD program.


Antoni Serrano-Blanco

Psychiatrist, Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona, Spain.

Coffee Break

Keynote session : Plenary Session 2


Fermín Mayoral-Cleries

Psychiatrist. University Regional Hospital. Biomedicine Institute. Málaga. Spain.

SCHMHE-PROJECT: implications for policy and practice in Europe.


Viviane Kovess Masfety

Emeritus professor Public Health at EHESP School for Public Health. Dpt of Epidemiology and Biostatistics. EA 4057. Descartes University. Paris. France.

Use of ICT for mental health promotion and intervention in young population.


Nick Glozier

Professor of Psychological Medicine. BMRI & Discipline of Psychiatry. Sydney Medical School. The University of Sydney. Australia.


Mirella Ruggeri

Professor of Psychiatry.Director, Specialization School in Psychiatry. Section of Psychiatry, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine - University of Verona. Italy.

Welcome cocktail

Los Patios de Beatas

Parallel Session : Symposium 250: A global perspective on prehospital emergency care frequent use and mental health.


José Guzmán-Parra

Clinical Psychologist. Mental Health Clinical Management Unit. University Regional Hospital. Málaga. Spain.

Jason Scott

Institute of Health & Society. Newcastle University. Baddiley-Clark Building. Richardson Road. Newcastle upon Tyne. United Kingdom.

Paul Wildin

Ambulance Service of New South Wales. State Headquarters. Rozelle. Australia.

K. Daniel Sirivar

Siriva Provincial Health Services Authority. Virtual Way. Vancouver. Canada.

Characteristics of frequent callers to prehospital emergency services in Spain.

Towards an understanding of frequent ambulance service use in England.

Frequent users of New South Wales Ambulance (Australia); who are they and how are their needs being met?

Engaging Familiar Faces in a Pre-Hospital Environment.

Parallel Session : Symposium 181: Early intervention in psychosis: from research to clinical implementation in the public mental health network of Catalonia.

A new model of care for psychotic spectrum disorders in the network of public mental health of Catalonia.


Lluís Lalucat-Jo

Psychiatrist. Department of Research. Centre d'Higiene Mental Les Corts. Barcelona. Spain.

Design of a comprehensive assessment targeting people with an incipient psychotic disorder in a specific care programme carried out in Catalonia.


Jordi Cid Colom

Design of an individualized therapeutic project and continuity care across a specific care programme for incipient psychosis developed in Catalonia.


Aida Mallorquí Marcos

Psychologist. Mental Health Department. Sant Pere Claver Fundació Sanitària. Barcelona. Spain.

Epidemiological and performance measures in a care programme for incipient psychosis developed in Catalonia: comparing with international experiences.


Ana Barajas Vélez

Recommendations for implementing a new intervention model for emerging psychosis in the network of mental health of Catalonia: a future proposal.


Marta Coromina

Mental Health Centre Gavà-Castelldefells. Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Barcelona, Spain.

Parallel Session : Symposium 134: Illness, identity and help-seeking: new approaches to stigma research.

Identity and mental illness among young people, validation of a new measure.


Sara Evans-Lacko

Ph.D. Health Policy and Management. Lecturer King’s College. Department of Health Service and Management. London. United Kingdom.

Georg Schomerus

Department of Psychiatry, University of Greifswald. Stralsund. Germany.


Sara Evans-Lacko

Ph.D. Health Policy and Management. Lecturer King’s College. Department of Health Service and Management. London. United Kingdom.

Under what conditions do young people disclose their difficulties? Subjective experiences of young people at risk of developing psychiatric disorder.


Petra Gronholm

PhD Student. Institute of Psychiatry, Psychology & Neuroscience (IoPPN). King's College London. United Kingdom.

Is it time to consign schizophrenia to history ? The pros and cons of renaming a controversial (and stigmatizing) diagnostic label.


Antonio Lasalvia

Psychiatrist. U.O.C. Psichiatria, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata (AOUI) di Verona and Department of Public Health and Community Medicine. Section of Psychiatry. University of Verona. Italy.

Attitudes toward mental health help-seeking as predictors of future help-seeking and use of mental health services.


Ramin Mojtabai

Professor. Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. Baltimore, Maryland. USA.

Can messages on the mental health-mental illness continuum change attitudes towards persons with mental illness? Results from an online intervention study.


Georg Schomerus

Department of Psychiatry, University of Greifswald. Stralsund. Germany.

Weight Stigma “gets under the skin” – evidence for an adapted psychological mediation framework – a systematic review.


Claudia Sikorski

Parallel Session : Symposium 229: On the move: innovative insights and interventions targeted at the interaction between exercise, psychosocial functioning and recovery for people with (a risk for) psychosis.


Jooske T. van Busschbach

PHd, psychologist. Windesheim University of Applied Sciences and Rob Giel onderzoekcentrum. University Center of Psychiatry. University Medical Center Groningen. The Netherlands.

Jojanneke Bruins

MSc, psychologist. Rob Giel onderzoekcentrum. University Center of Psychiatry. University Medical Center Groningen. The Netherlands.

Lisette Van der Meer

PHd, psychologist. Department of Rehabilitation. Lentis Center For Mental Health. The Netherlands.

Sjoerd Vogel

MSc, psychologist. Lentis Research. Groningen. Lentis Center for Mental Health. The Netherlands.

Amber de Herdt

Msc, psychologist. Faculty of Rehabilitation Science and Physiotherapy. Catholic University of Leuven. Leuven. Belgium.

Anne Looijmans

MSc, psychologist. Department of Epidemiology. University Medical Center Groningen. The Netherlands.

Prevalence and treatment rates of metabolic disorders in patients with psychotic disorders.

Two subdomains of negative symptoms and their clinical correlates in chronically ill patients with a psychotic disorder.

Meta-analysis of Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Negative Symptoms in Schizophrenia.

Physical activity, energy expenditure and sedentary behaviour in early psychosis patients: a controlled pilot study.

Can a lifestyle intervention improve physical activity in severe mentally ill residential patients? And does it affect their mental well-being?

BeatVic: evaluation and experiences with a psychomotor assertiveness training using kick boxing to increase both physical and mental empowerment in people with psychosis.

Parallel Session : Symposium 25: Use of electronic primary health care records can answer key questions about the mental health of populations.


Michael King

Professor of Primary Care Psychiatry and Joint Director of PRIMENT Clinical Trials Unit. University College London Medical School. London. United Kingdom.

David Osborn

Professor of Psychiatric Epidemiology. University College London. United Kingdom.

Kate Walkers

Senior Clinical Lecturer. Primary Care & Population Health. University College London. United Kingdom.

Joseph Hayes

Clinical Training Fellow. University College London. United Kingdom.

Irene Petersen

Reader in Epidemiology and Statistics. Department of Primary Care and Population Health. University College London. United Kingdom.

Irwin Nazareth

Professor of Primary Care and Population Science. University College London Medical School. London. United Kingdom.

Using primary care databases to improve the physical care of people with severe mental illnesses. Results from the PRIMROSE programme.

Age variation in the diagnosis and management of depression in older adults.

Time trends in bipolar disorder in the UK: treatments and comorbidities.

Psychotropic medication in pregnancy: prescribing and safety.

The impact of bereavement on mental health and mortality.

Parallel Session : Symposium 306: Mental Health reforms. International and multifocal assessment.


Manuel Gómez-Beneyto

Professor of Psychiatry. University of Valencia. Member of CIBERAM. Spain.

Alejandra Barcala

Psychiatrist. Teacher at the National University of Lanus. Argentina.

Dinarte Ballester

Psychiatrist. Director of Sistema de Saúde Mãe de Deus – South Brazil. Brazil.

Rubén Alvarado

Institute of Population Health. Faculty of Medicine. University of Chile. Chile.

Lars Kjellin

Ass. professor, Psychiatric Research Centre. Faculty of Medicine and Health. Örebro university. Örebro. Sweden.

Joao do Campo

Professor of Public Health. University Of Londrina. Brazil.

How to use the Mental Health Law accomplishment to assess the Community Mental Health Services trend?

Evaluation of the mental health services of Sistema de Saúde Mãe de Deus – South Brazil.

Evaluating networks of mental health services in Chile: 10 years of experience with EvaRedCom.

Transversal actions against alcohol and drugs on the roads in a Swedish county – an evaluation.

Shall evaluation of matrix strategy correspond to expectations regarding access of Brazilian population to mental health?

ESAMEN: Evaluating community mental health services.

Keynote session : Plenary Session 3


Manuel Gómez-Beneyto

Professor of Psychiatry. University of Valencia. Member of CIBERAM. Spain.

Designing mental health servies for people in crisis: evidence, practice and policy?


Sonia Johnson

Professor of Social and Community. Psychiatry Division. Psychiatry University College of London. United Kingdom.

Harnessing new technologies to improve mental health.


Stefanie Bauer

Director of the Center for Psychotherapy Research. University Hospital Heidelberg. Germany.


Mike Slade

Professor of Health Services Research. King’s College London. London. United Kingdom.

Parallel Session : Symposium 212: The future of mental health care organisation in Europe: continuity of care or specialisation of services?


Mirella Ruggeri

Professor of Psychiatry.Director, Specialization School in Psychiatry. Section of Psychiatry, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine - University of Verona. Italy.

Care system conditions facilitating integrated personal continuity of care for SMI patients: a comparison of five European systems.


Pablo Nicaise

Social scientist. Institute of Health and Society (IRSS). Université catholique de Louvain. Brussels. Belgium.

Comparing outcomes and costs of integrated and functional systems of mental health care: preliminary results from the COFI study.


Domenico Giacco

MD, PhD, Unit for Social & Community Psychiatry, WHO Collaborating Centre for Mental Health Services Development Barts & The London School of Medicine & Dentistry Queen Mary University of London East London NHS Foundation Trust. United Kingdom.

Five-year outcome of FEP patients receiving integrated vs. functional mental health care. A pilot study from the PICOS.


Antonio Lasalvia

Psychiatrist. U.O.C. Psichiatria, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Integrata (AOUI) di Verona and Department of Public Health and Community Medicine. Section of Psychiatry. University of Verona. Italy.

Elisabetta Miglietta

PhD student, Department of Medicine and Public Health, Section of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology, University of Verona, Italy.

The association between outpatient continuity of care and clinical outcomes.


Stephen Puntis

Psychologist. Social Psychiatry Group. Department of Psychiatry. University of Oxford. Warneford Hospital. Oxford. United Kingdom.

Parallel Session : Symposium 32: Recovery-oriented service provision for people with long term mental health problems: current developments and challenges.


Jaap Van Weeghel

Ph.D, Professor in Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Department Tranzo, Tilburg University, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg. Scientific Director of Phrenos, National centre of expertise on severe mental illness, Utrech. The Netherlands


Charlotte de Heer-Wunderink

Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Groningen, The Netherlands.

Helen Killaspy

Professor and Honorary Consultant in Rehabilitation Psychiatry, Division of Psychiatry, University College London. United Kingdom.

Sandra Vos

Altrecht mental health care. Groningen. The Netherlands.

Sarita Sanchez

University Medical Centre Groningen, The Netherlands.

Jooske Van Busschbach

Senior Research. Parnassia Groep. Rotterdam. The Netherland.

Bert-Jan Roosenschoon

MSc. Psychologist and Senior researcher. Parnassia Groep. Den Haag/Rotterdam.The Netherlands.

Rehabilitation Effectiveness for Activities for Life: results from a national programme of research into inpatient mental health rehabilitation services in England.

Deinstitutionalisation, social inclusion and personal recovery, the MOVE study.

‘To take over or to take on’: challenges concerning hospitalisation of professionals and service users of recovery-oriented residential care facilities.

Enhancing participation in patients with severe mental illness: what works? A secondary analysis of the results of a randomised controlled trial on the Boston University Approach to Psychiatric Rehabilitation.

Parenting and psychiatric rehabilitation: Can parents with severe mental illness benefit from a new approach?

Illness management and recovery in the Netherlands; Design of an RCT + results of a pilot study.

Parallel Session : Symposium 244: Local integrated atlases of mental health care for policy and planning.


Jose Alberto Salinas Perez

Geographer. Department of Mathematics and Engineering, Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Spain.

Implementation Impact analysis of the use of Integrated Atlases of Mental Health in Spain.

The local mental health system in New South Wales: comparison with community care models in Europe.


Luis Salvador-Carulla

Psychiatrist. Professor of Disability and Mental Health. University of Sydney. Australia.

Comparing the mental health services provision of Bizkaia and Gipuzkoa (Spain) with other European areas.


Carlos R. García-Alonso

Engineer, Department of Mathematics and Engineering, Universidad Loyola Andalucía, Spain.

Influence of demographics and service provision, accessibility and adequacy in hot and cold spots of depression in Catalonia.


María Luisa Rodero-Cosano

The integrated atlas of mental health care in Chile: analysis of five health regions.


Sandra Saldivia

Psicóloga. Profesora titular. Departamento de Psiquiatría y salud Mental. Universidad de Concepción. Secretaria Ejecutiva de la Red Maristán. Chile.

Parallel Session : Symposium 133: Human Rights in Mental Health Care: actual implications for policy and practice.


Michaela Amering

Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Medical University of Vienna. Vienna. Austria.

Self-Determination: Data on advance treatment refusals and preferences for care from two trials of the Joint Crisis Plan.


Claire Henderson

Clinical Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry. King’s College London. London.United Kingdom.

Mental health care without enforced medication.


Martin Zinkler

Chief Physician. Clinic of Psychiatry, Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. Heidenheim. Germany.

Access to Care: Pilot program of self-help groups against depression within the economic crisis: data and perspectives.


Stelios Stylianidis

Association for Regional Development and Mental Health (EPAPSY). Athens. Greece.

Peer providers: empowerment through participation in mental health services.


Galia S. Moran

Department of Social Work. Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences. Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. Israel.

Standards and Practices of Mental Health in Chile: Conflicts in the Exercise of Rights.


Pamela Grandón Fernández


Parallel Session : Symposium 300: Psychiatric Rehospitalisation Rates as Indicator for the Degree of Community Mental Health Services Implementation.


Katschnig Heinz

Professor Emeritus of Psychiatry. Medical University of Vienna. CEO, IMEHPS. Research. Vienna. Austria.

Which Factors before Discharge have to be Considered to Prevent Readmissions? A Systematic Review of the Literature.


Francesco Amaddeo

Psychiatrist, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Section of Psychiatry, Ospedale Policlinico "G.B. Rossi". Verona. Italy.

The Impact of Post-Discharge Community Mental Health Service Use on Psychiatric Rehospitalisation Rates: A Systematic Review of the Literature.


Raluca Sfetcu

PhD, researcher, National School of Public Health. Management and Professional Development; lecturer. Sociology and Psychology Faculty of the Spiru Haret University. Bucharest. Romania.

Psychiatric Readmissions and their Association with Physical Comorbidity Variables: A Systematic Review of the Literature.


Lilijana Šprah

PhD, Senior Research Fellow. Psychologist, Sociomedical Institute. Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Ljubljana. Slovenia.

Psychiatric Readmissions and their Association with Environmental and Health System Variables: A Systematic Review of the Literature.


Jorid Kalseth

Senior Researcher. PhD, SINTEF Health Research. Trondheim. Norway.

Are we Comparing Apples with Oranges? The Pitfalls of Comparing Psychiatric Rehospitalisation Rates Derived from Routine Health Care Data.


Christa Straßmayr

Sociologist, Researcher, IMEHPS. Research, Vienna, Austria.

Psychiatric Inpatient Care in Finland – Challenges for Deinstitutionalization, Factors in Rehospitalisation.


Peija Haaramo

Senior Researcher, PhD. National Institute for Health and Welfare. Helsinki. Finland.

Lunch Guided Posters Session II.

Parallel Session : Symposium 73: 35 years of community mental health care in Italy: facts and unmet needs.


Antonio Lora

Psychiatrist, Department of Mental Health, Lecco Hospital, Lecco. Italy.

Francesco Amaddeo

Psychiatrist, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Section of Psychiatry, Ospedale Policlinico "G.B. Rossi". Verona. Italy.

Lorenza Magliano

Psychiatrist, Department of Psychology, Second University of Naples. Italy.

Giuseppe Tibaldi

Psychiatrist, Department of Mental Health, Torino. Italy.

Lucio Ghio

Professor. Department of Neuroscience. Psychiatry section. University of Genoa. Italy.

What we have done so far? An epidemiological overview of mental health care in Italy, thirthy-five years from the promulgation of psychiatric reform.

How the structure and funding of Italian community-based mental health services look like 35 years after the reform?

Psychosocial intervention in Italian Mental Health Services: rule and exceptions.

Quality of care for schizophrenia: observed variations among Italian Departments of Mental Health. Results from the ETAS DSM study.

Mentally ill offenders in Italy, from Forensic Hospitals to Outpatient Treatment.

Parallel Session : Symposium 190: Mental health and borderline intellectual functioning: how should services respond?


Angela Hassiotis

Professor of Psychiatry. UCL Division of Psychiatry. United Kingdom.

Luis Salvador-Carulla

Psychiatrist. Professor of Disability and Mental Health. University of Sydney. Australia.

Rafael Martínez Leal

Unit for Intellectual and Developmental Disorders Research. Fundació Villablanca. IISPV, Universitat Rovira i Virgili. CIBERSAM. Spain.

Borderline intellectual functioning and mental illhealth: findings from the UK Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Surveys.

Impact analysis on policy and practice of the use of a Framing of Scientific Knowledge strategy in Intellectual Developmental Disorders and in Borderline Intellectual Functioning in Spain.

Borderline Intellectual Functioning compared to Mild ID: Limitations in functioning and adaptive behavior.

Parallel Session : Symposium 312: Recent community surveys carried out in Spain.


Raimundo Mateos Álvarez

Department of Psychiatry. School of Medecine (USC). Santiago de Compostela. Spain.

Fernando Navarro Mateu

Unit of Training and Research in Mental Health. General Subdirection of Mental Health. Murcia. Spain.

Sergio Benabarre

Psicotard Group. Training Unit of Primary Care. San Jorge Hospital. Huesca. Institute of Aragon of Health Sciences. Spain.

The PEGASUS-Murcia project: epidemiology and genetics of common mental disorders in the general population.

The EPIGALI project. Common Mental Disorders in the Autonomous Community of Galicia.

Psychogeriatric epidemiological research: experiences in Primary Care.

Prevalence and risk factors of disability (WHODAS 2.0) linked to mental conditions among rural and urban population samples aged >50 years at Aragón


Carmen Rodriguez Blázquez

Asistente de investigación. Lic Psicologia. Doctora en Ciencias de la Salud.

Parallel Session : Symposium 68: Anti-stigma programme evaluation: Sweden and England.

Evaluation of Time to Change 2008-14.


Claire Henderson

Clinical Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry. King’s College London. London.United Kingdom.

The effectiveness of an anti-stigma intervention in a basic police officer training programme. A controlled study.


Urban Markström

PhD, Associate professor. Department of Social work, Umeå University. Umeå. Sweden.

Evaluation of a national anti-stigma programme in Sweden – Population changes in attitudes, mental health literacy and intentional behavior.


Lars Hansson

Phd, Professor. Department of Health Sciences, Lund University. Lund, Sweden.

Describing mental health discrimination: a qualitative study of people’s accounts of discrimination across a range of contexts and sources.


Vanessa Pinfold

Research Director and co-founder. The McPin Foundation. London. United Kingdom. Organisational interventions for people with severe mental problems across the interface between primary and specialist mental health care.

Parallel Session : Symposium 136: Transferring the Knowledge From Research to Practice: The Canadian Experience.


Myra Piat

Researcher, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

Catherine Briand

Professor, University of Montreal, Montreal, Canada.

Michel Perreault

Researcher, McGill University, Montreal, Canada.

Vicky Stergiopoulos

Psychiatrist-In-Chief, St. Michael's Hospital. Toronto. Canada.

Promoting the Use of Evidence Based Rehabilitation Practices in Mental Health Services in Quebec: Five Years of Networking and Partnership.

Impact of a Cross-Training Program for Concurrent Mental Health and Substance Use Disorders.

Moving the Knowledge Into Practice: Development of a Housing First Toolkit in Canada.

Connecting the Dots: Lessons Learned at the Toronto Site of the At Home Chez Soi Project.

Parallel Session : Symposium 43: How to implement evidence in mental health care practice?

Evidence on the effects of guideline implementation in mental health care.


Thomas Becker

WHO framework for improving mental health care in middle (and low?) income countries.


Corrado Barbui

Professor. Section of Psychiatry and Clinical Psychology. Dep. of Medicine and Public Health. University of Verona. Italy.

Organizing an evidence- and consensus-based guideline for care for severely mentally ill people in Canada.


Alain Lesage

Professor. Département de psychiatrie. Université de Montréal. Canada.

Towards a new taxonomy of scientific knowledge and its implication for the typology and development of clinical practice guidelines.


Luis Salvador-Carulla

Psychiatrist. Professor of Disability and Mental Health. University of Sydney. Australia.

Parallel Session : Symposium 302: Efficacy of an internet-bassed program for the treatment of depression: A real world trial in primary care setting in Spain.


Fermín Mayoral-Cleries

Psychiatrist. University Regional Hospital. Biomedicine Institute. Málaga. Spain.

Cristina Botella Arbona

University of Valencia. Spain.

Margalida Gili Planas

Professor. University of the Balearic Island. Palma. Spain.

Rosa García Ramos

Department of Psychological, Personality, Evaluation and Treatment of the University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain.

Pablo Romero-Sanchís

Regional University Hospital of Malaga. BiomedicalInstitute of Malaga. Spain.

“Smiling is fun” A Spanish ICBT program for depression

Efficacy of a self- guided internet delivered program (Smiling is fun) for depression in primary care settings

Expectations among patients and health professionals regarding web-based interventions for depression in primary care: a qualitative study.

Analysis of cost- effectiveness of a low intensity vs. a self-guided

Effect on treatment compliance and effectiveness of two brief group interventions in a Spanish ICBT program for depression in primary care.

Parallel Session : Symposium 180: Monitoring the performance of the mental health systems. An international perspective from WHO, European Union and North America.


Francesco Amaddeo

Psychiatrist, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine, Section of Psychiatry, Ospedale Policlinico "G.B. Rossi". Verona. Italy.

Antonio Lora

Psychiatrist, Department of Mental Health, Lecco Hospital, Lecco. Italy.

Jose A. Salinas-Perez

Department of Mathematics and Engineering. Universidad Loyola. Sevilla. Spain.

Valeria Donisi

University of Verona. Department of Medicine and Public Health. Verona. Italy.

Alain Lesage

Professor. Département de psychiatrie. Université de Montréal. Canada.

The World Health Organization approach to monitoring mental health systems: the Atlas 2014 survey

Mental health at global level: an overview of the World Health Organization Atlas 2014 survey

Usability of REMAST for mapping MH services in Europe. Implications for health policy.

Quality of mental health care across Europe: the experience of the EU REFINEMENT project.

Data, data, data everywhere in Canada for developing mental health indicators for surveillance and performance monitoring purposes.

Parallel Session : Symposium 55: Improving primary and secondary care mental health systems for people with severe mental illness: approaches to developing new models of care based upon PARTNERS2 and the Community Health Network study.


Sonia Johnson

Professor of Social and Community. Psychiatry Division. Psychiatry University College of London. United Kingdom.

Organisational interventions for people with severe mental problems across the interface between primary and specialist mental health care.


Linda Gask

Professor of primary care. Centre for Primary Care, University of Manchester. United Kingdom.

Developing a collaborative care model for people with SMI linking primary and secondary care in the UK: programme theory development.


Ruth Gwernan-Jones

Research Fellow PARTNERS2. Exeter Medical School. Plymouth. United Kingdom.

Evaluating a practice based complex intervention: addressing key trial science dilemmas.


Richard Byng

Professor of primary care mental health: School of Mediciine and dentistry, Plymouth University, Tamar Science Park, Derriford, Plymouth. United Kingdom.

Practitioner views on role of wellbeing networks for people with SMI: perspectives from primary, secondary and the voluntary care sectors in the UK.


Vanessa Pinfold

Research Director and co-founder. The McPin Foundation. London. United Kingdom. Organisational interventions for people with severe mental problems across the interface between primary and specialist mental health care.

The challenge of rapid primary care service development using co-production: a case study from London.


Karen James

Research manager. The McPin Foundation, London. United Kingdom.

Parallel Session : Symposium 131: Research on Multiple Perspectives and Interventions Addressing Stigma in (Mental) Healthcare and Employment; Findings from the United Kingdom, The Netherlands and other European Countries.


Jaap Van Weeghel

Ph.D, Professor in Psychiatric Rehabilitation. Department Tranzo, Tilburg University, Tilburg School of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Tilburg. Scientific Director of Phrenos, National centre of expertise on severe mental illness, Utrech. The Netherlands

Stynke Castelein

PH.D., Sociologist, Senior Researcher Lentis Research Department. Groningen. The Netherlands.

Sara Evans-Lacko

Ph.D. Health Policy and Management. Lecturer King’s College. Department of Health Service and Management. London. United Kingdom.

Claire Henderson

Clinical Senior Lecturer in Psychiatry. King’s College London. London.United Kingdom.

Marieke Pijnenborg

Ph.D, Health Psychologist. Senior Lecturer at Dept. of Clinical Psychology and Experimental Psychopathology. University of Groningen. Groningen. The Netherlands.

Comparing stigmatizing attitudes towards people with substance use disorders between the general public, GPs, health professionals and clients.

Differential stigmatizing attitudes of healthcare professionals towards psychiatry and patients with mental health problems: something to worry about? A pilot study.

Disclosure and secrecy about depression in the employment context: Individual and sociocultural factors in relation to disclosure across 16 countries.

Randomised controlled trial of a decision aid on disclosure of mental health status to an employer: feasibility and outcomes.

REFLEX: a metacognitive group treatment to improve insight in psychosis and to reduce self-stigma.

Parallel Session : Symposium 301: Mental health care: a commitment for patient recovery in the face of economic crisis.


Casta Quemada

Community Psychiatric Nurse (CPN). Community Mental Health Center Málaga. Spain.

Psychoeducational Program for Anxiety and Physical Activity Program for Depression, in coordination with primary care


Paula Camacho-Borobio

PhD. University of Malaga (UMA), Department of Clinical Pharmacology. Málaga. Spain.

Presence: a line of practical research


Jose Guzmán-Parra

University Regional Hospital of Malaga Spain. Biomedicine Institute of Malaga (IBIMA). Spain.

Motivational therapy as an evaluation tool in Nursing


Juan F Bejarano-Ramírez

Mental Health Nursing Resident (NR). CMU Mental Health. Málaga Regional Hospital. Spain.

Using multiple group settings for patient recovery SMI (Several Mental Illness), an alternative approach


Almudena Martínez-de la Torre

Mental Health Nursing Resident (NR). CMU Mental Health. Málaga Regional Hospital. Spain

Coffe break

Keynote session : Plenary Session 4


Bernd Puschner

Professor. Ulm University, Department of Psychiatry II, Section Process-Outcome Research. Ulm. Germany.

Persons centered primary mental health care. The challenge to implementation.


Linda Gask

Professor of primary care. Centre for Primary Care, University of Manchester. United Kingdom.

Primary care management of mental iillness. What is the evidence?


Michael King

Professor of Primary Care Psychiatry and Joint Director of PRIMENT Clinical Trials Unit. University College London Medical School. London. United Kingdom.


Michaela Amering

Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy. Medical University of Vienna. Vienna. Austria.

Gala Dinner

Real Club Mediterraneo

Parallel Session : Symposium 132: Natural language processing and its potential in the development of research using electronic health records.


Robert Stewart

Professor of Psychiatric Epidemiology & Clinical Informatics. Institute of Psychiatry. King's College London. London. United Kingdom.

David Chandran

Psychiatrist. King’s College London. London. United Kingdom.

Eleanor Yelland

Psychologist. University College London. London. United Kingdom.

Giouliana Kadra

Department of Psychological Medicine. King's College London. London. United Kingdom.

Richard Hayes

King's College London (Institute of Psychiatry). London. United Kingdom.

Overview of natural language processing methods applied in electronic health records databases.

Developing computerised analysis methods for application to online therapy transcripts.

Predictors of long-term antipsychotic polypharmacy prescribing in clinical settings.

The effect of clozapine on premature mortality: an assessment of clinical monitoring and other potential confounders.

Parallel Session : Symposium 137: European Innovative Programs for People with Severe Mental Illness.


José Miguel Caldas de Almeida

CEDOC and Department of Mental Health, NOVA Medical School, NOVA University of Lisbon. Lisbon. Portugal.

A Innovative Program In Madrid for the Homeless Mentally Ill


Mari Fe Bravo-Ortiz

Psychiatrist. Head of the Department of Mental Health. Hospital Universitario La Paz (HULP). Madrid. Spain.

Effectiveness of a training intervention to promote quality of care in residential facilities for the long-term mentally ill - the PromQual study


Graça Cardoso

Professor. CEDOC and Department of Mental Health. NOVA Medical School, NOVA University of Lisbon. Lisboa. Portugal.

Implementing Combined Individual and Group (CIGI) rehabilitative interventions in Italian residential facilities: preliminary results.


Lorenza Magliano

Psychiatrist, Department of Psychology, Second University of Naples. Italy.

A Portuguese community program (Integrar) for people with severe mental illness


Joaquim Gago

Department of Mental Health. NOVA Medical School. NOVA University of Lisbon. Portugal.

Parallel Session : Symposium 127: Developing a European Quality Network for Mental Health Services.


Helen Killaspy

Professor and Honorary Consultant in Rehabilitation Psychiatry, Division of Psychiatry, University College London. United Kingdom.

Anke Bramsfeld

Professor. AQUA-Institute. Göttingen, Germany.

Anne Depaigne-Loth

Technical Adviser at the HAS (Haute Autorité de Santé). Saint-Denis La Plaine CEDEX, France.

Antonio Lora

Psychiatrist, Department of Mental Health, Lecco Hospital, Lecco. Italy.

Cornelis L. Mulder

Epidemiological and Social Psychiatric Research institute. Department of Psychiatry, Erasmus MC. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.

Aims of the Quality Network and the perspective from Germany

Monitoring quality of care in mental health care organizations. HCOs accreditation and national quality indicators program in France

From clinical pathways to clinical indicators: the Italian way for improving mental health care for severe mental illness.

Routine Outcome Monitoring for benchmarking and a national quality indicator

Parallel Session : Symposium 83: Social networks and mental health: putting research into practice.


Vincent Lorant

Professor of Medical Sociology at Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium.

Targeting social isolation in people with psychosis.


Domenico Giacco

MD, PhD, Unit for Social & Community Psychiatry, WHO Collaborating Centre for Mental Health Services Development Barts & The London School of Medicine & Dentistry Queen Mary University of London East London NHS Foundation Trust. United Kingdom.

Networks of social support and continuity of care for psychiatric users. Morpheus project.


François Wyngaerden

Institute of Health and Society, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium.

Wellbeing networks and social capital: findings from the community health networks study.


Vanessa Pinfold

Research Director and co-founder. The McPin Foundation. London. United Kingdom. Organisational interventions for people with severe mental problems across the interface between primary and specialist mental health care.

The Connecting People Intervention: Findings of a quasi-experimental pilot study.


Martin Webber

Lecturer, Division of Psychiatry, UCL, London. United Kingdom.

Parallel Session : Symposium 187: The impact of the economic crisis on mental health in the Mediterranean countries.

Mental health risks of economic crisis at primary care level in Spain


Margalida Gili Planas

Professor. University of the Balearic Island. Palma. Spain.

The crisis impact on psychiatric admissions in Portugal - the SMAILE research project


Graça Cardoso

Professor. CEDOC and Department of Mental Health. NOVA Medical School, NOVA University of Lisbon. Lisboa. Portugal.

Economic crisis and mental health in Italy: the figures and the experience


Gian Maria Galeazzi

Associate Professor of Psychiatry. Dept. of Clinical. Diagnostic and Public Health Medicine. University of Modena and Reggio Emilia. Modena. Italy.

The enduring financial crisis in Greece: a compilation of evidence on its mental health effects


Marina Economou

Associate Professor of Psychiatry. First Department of Psychiatry, University of Athens – Eginition Hospital. Greece.

Impact of the economic crisis in mental health services delivery in Portugal


José Miguel Caldas de Almeida

CEDOC and Department of Mental Health, NOVA Medical School, NOVA University of Lisbon. Lisbon. Portugal.

Parallel Session : Symposium 174: From Research through to Practice and vice versa, experiences at 4 different levels: population, university, primary and specialized care.


Antoni Serrano-Blanco

Psychiatrist, Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Déu, Barcelona, Spain.

Population university-based interventions to promote mental health and wellbeing in students and staff: a systematic review of published studies


Ana Fernández

Mental Health Policy Unit, Brain and Mind Research Institute. Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Sydney. Australia.

Primary Care Mental Health Support Plan: the experience of the Catalan Government 2006-2014


Bibiana Prat

Statistician. l Pla Director de Salut Mental i Adiccions. Departament de Salut. Generalitat de Catalunya.

Bottom up approach using QI methodology to development of key interventions to reduce harm; culture, attitudes, leadership and evidence. Scottish Patient Safety Programme in Mental Health (SPSP-MH)


Johnathan James MacLennan

Lessons and gaps in safety within mental health: an experience in specialized in-patient care. Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Deu.


María Luisa de la Puente

Unitat de Qualitat i Seguretat. Parc Sanitari Sant Joan de Deu. Sant Boi de Llobregat. Barcelona. Spain.

Coffee break.

Keynote session : Plenary Session 5


José Luis Vázquez-Barquero

Former Director and Head Professor of the Department of Psychiatry of the University Hospital Marques de Valdecilla. Former Director of the Social Psychiatry Research Unit of Cantabria. Santander. Spain.

Depression and suicide in times of economic crisis.


José Luis Ayuso-Mateos

Chairman and Director of the Department of Psychiatry of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (UAM). Hospital Universitario de la Princesa. Madrid. Spain.

Role of epidemiological studies in the development of mental health policies in Europe and Latin America.


José Miguel Caldas de Almeida

CEDOC and Department of Mental Health, NOVA Medical School, NOVA University of Lisbon. Lisbon. Portugal.


David McDaid

Senior Research Fellow in Health Policy and Health Economics, PSSRU and LSE Health and Social Care, London School of Economics and Political Science and WHO European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies. United Kingdom.

Conclusions and final remarks.


Mirella Ruggeri

Professor of Psychiatry.Director, Specialization School in Psychiatry. Section of Psychiatry, Department of Public Health and Community Medicine - University of Verona. Italy.

Luis Salvador-Carulla

Psychiatrist. Professor of Disability and Mental Health. University of Sydney. Australia.

Berta Moreno-Küstner

Psychologist. Professor of Psychology. School of Psychology. University of Málaga. Spain.